Federal Big Data Market, 2020-2022

Published: October 28, 2020

Federal Market AnalysisBig Data

Deltek’s Federal Big Data Market, 2020-2022 report examines key policies, technologies and spending trends driving the federal big data environment.

Agencies are increasingly inundated with growing volumes and types of data, supporting nearly every aspect of federal activities. The focus of federal data is evolving beyond collection methodologies towards more effective data utilization for evidence-based decision-making. Policies such as the Federal Data Strategy and the Evidence Act are shaping new data management strategies and governance throughout federal agencies. As a result, investments in analytics and visualization tools to drive operational efficiency and improve customer service delivery are growing at all large federal departments. The COVID-19 pandemic further solidified the federal government’s need for improved real-time analysis and data interoperability, accelerating health initiatives that enhance data collection, tagging and processing. Technologies such as high performance computing, quantum computing and artificial intelligence are driving agency adoption of big data initiatives. Mounting agency interest in and R&D budgets for these technologies, combined with data proliferation and policy, will spur additional funding to expand big data capabilities across the federal government.

Deltek forecasts that federal demand for commercial big data solutions and services will grow from $4.5 billion in FY 2020 to $5.8 billion in FY 2022 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.8%.

Changes to Deltek’s Big Data Market Forecast Due to COVID-19

Due to the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the uncertainty of its impact on future federal budgets and operations, FMA has narrowed its forecast focus to “near term,” covering only FY 2020–2022.

Key Findings

  • Data-Centric Policies. Guidance provided by the Federal Data Strategy and Evidence Act is influencing agency, as well as government-wide, investment in data management tools to advance operational activities and improve customer service delivery.
  • Chief Data Officers. The Chief Data Officer (CDO) role has expanded in recent years, helping drive data and analytics investments. Nevertheless, CDOs continue to combat challenges in securing sufficient resources and defining the role with department leadership.
  • Research and Development. Research and Development (R&D) budgets related to big data continue to rise year over year, totaling $5.7B in FY 2021, $323M above FY 2020. High Performance Computing (HPC), quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to lead investment dollars in big data R&D technologies.
  • Expansion of Big Data Technologies. The onslaught of recent policies and agency interest in AI will likely press Congress to direct substantial funding toward advancing its use government-wide. Likewise, near-term investment in HPC is expected due to its enhanced role in the COVID-19 response, and the delivery of the nation’s first exascale systems.
  • COVID-19 Impact on Big Data. The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light government’s health data collection, analysis and sharing inefficiencies, thereby slowing federal response efforts. As a result, the pandemic accelerated several data initiatives in the pipeline to enhance data collection, tagging, processing and movement.
  • Critical Insight for Vendors

    Deltek’s Federal Big Data Market, 2020-2022 report provides a three-year outlook of the market factors shaping federal acquisition and use of vendor-provided big data goods and services.

    The report provides:

  • Analysis of the policies and technologies shaping the big data market.
  • Insight into federal spending trends on big data products and services.
  • Identification of opportunities for big data development.
  • Agency spending dashboards and forecasts for top departments using big data solutions.
  • Recommendations to help contractors evaluate the impact of trends on their business.
  • Deltek's Federal Big Data Market, 2020-2022 report is delivered in PowerPoint® format, including a PowerPoint® Executive Summary, and an Excel® data workbook.

    Federal Big Data Market, 2020-2022


  • Report Purpose
  • Big Data Spending Methodology
  • Key Findings
  • Budget Environment

    Market Drivers

    Big Data Historical Spending

    Deltek Big Data Market Forecast

    Agency Analysis

  • Air Force
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Defense Agencies
  • Energy
  • Health and Human Services
  • Homeland Security
  • Justice
  • NASA
  • Treasury
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
