Federal Opportunity and Pipeline Management

Published: March 12, 2013

Deltek's Federal Opportunity and Pipeline Management report examines the opportunity and pipeline management processes of federal contractors through extensive Deltek primary research.

Deltek’s Federal Opportunity and Pipeline Management report explores the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and metrics of the pipeline management processes used by federal contractors. The report examines the process structure, use of information, systems and tools, and approaches to measuring pipeline health. Deltek’s report will help readers to:

  • Understand the key elements and metrics/measures of a successful opportunity and pipeline management process
  • Identify industry practices for developing and managing federal opportunity pipelines
  • Identify potential tactics for improving pipeline processes
  • In an era of contracting federal budgets, lengthening procurement timelines, heightened competition, and increasing client price sensitivity, federal contractors now more than ever need a well-honed pipeline management process to compete in today’s federal space.

    Key Findings

    Our research and survey findings indicate:

  • The greatest business development challenge for contractors is the unpredictability of the procurement/sales timeline.
  • Price competition is the major reason for not winning a bid for most contractors.
  • Most respondents have confidence in their company's process for advancing opportunities through the pipeline, but many lack a sufficient level of resources to support the process.
  • All contractors are using a myriad of factors to evaluated individual opportunities and drive decisions, particularly Probability of Win (PWin) and expected profit margin.
  • Deltek's Federal Opportunity and Pipeline Management report is delivered in PowerPoint® format.


      Environmental Factors Driving Criticality of Opportunity and Pipeline Management
        Maximizing Strengths and Weeding Out Weaknesses
        • Pipeline Management Strengths and Weaknesses
        • Process Characteristics and Structure
        • Decision Gates
        • Systems and Tools
        • Pipeline Metrics and Health
        • Win Rates