Search Government Management Services Contracts for Bid by AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
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GovWin IQ tracked 18 management services contracts that came up for bid by AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT in a one year period.
Government Agency | Type | Description | Location | Contact |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Solicitation for U.S./Third Country National Personal Services Contractor (US/TCN PSC) as Senior Climate Change and Biodiversity Technical Advisor, USAID/West Africa. | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Provide the Middle East Bureau (MEB) and its Operating Units (OUs) and implementing partners access to high quality and timely monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) services to improve development outcomes. | Arlington (VA) | Try GovWin IQ for Free |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | U.S. Personal Service Contract (USPSC) / Third Country National Personal Services Contract (TCNPSC) Energy and Infrastructure Engineering Advisor, GS-14, USAID/Haiti | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | U.S Personal Service Contractor (USPSC) - Senior Program and Project Development Advisor, GS-14 (Astana, Kazakhstan) | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | USPSC Senior Development Advisor (Gabon) | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Senior Construction Management Specialist | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Solicitation for U.S. Personal Services Contractor (USPSC) and Third Country National Personal Services Contractor (TCNPSC) - Senior Construction Management Specialist | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Notice of Intent for a Total Estimated Cost increase of the Kosovo Adapt Activity | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | RFI: New Philippines Fisheries Activity | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Request for Task Order Proposal (RFTOP) No. 72061324R00012 - Evaluation of Community Gardens' Contribution to Household Income & Nutrition | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Biodiversity and Resilience Cooperative Agreement - Conserve biodiversity and advance climate adaptation and mitigation at the national and subnational levels. | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | U.S./Third Country National Personal Service Contractor (US/TCN PSC) Climate Change and Water Security, Sanitation and Hygiene (WSSH) Advisor GS-15 for USAID/Niger | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | USPSC Democratic Climate Action Advisor (SOLICITATION) | Washington (DC) | Try GovWin IQ for Free |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Amman Urban Resilience Activity (AURA) Request for Information (RFI) and Sources Sought Notice (SSN) | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Solicitation for a USPSC Senior Energy Advisor (Economic Growth) | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Solicitation No. 72066824R00001 for U.S. Personal Service Contractor (USPSC)/Third Country National Personal Service Contractor (TCNPSC) Construction Management Specialist (CMS). | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Private Sector Engagement Advisor has a range of complex analytical, management, and program monitoring responsibilities within CARPE. The position is based in Kinshasa, DRC but is responsible for monitoring CARPE programs in three Central African countrie | Try GovWin IQ for Free | |
AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT | SAM | Justification and approval for other than full and open competition (J&A) for the contracting of a Project Development Specialist (Database Management) for USAID/Afghanistan | Try GovWin IQ for Free |
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