Government Masonry Products Contracts to Bid in Farrandsville (PA)

GovWin IQ: Find and Win Government Contracts

GovWin IQ tracked 5 masonry products contracts that came up for bid by government agencies in Farrandsville (PA) in a one year period.

Sample Masonry Products Contracts to Bid in Farrandsville (PA)

Government Agency Type Description Location Contact
PENNSYLVANIA » CLINTON, COUNTY OF BID 100 tons 1B AASHTO No 8 500 tons 2A Subbase 100 tons AASHTO No 57 500 tons 2RC 200 tons R-3 Rip Rap 100 tons R-4 Rip Rap 150 tons R-5 Rip Rap 150 tons R-6 Rip Rap 150 tons R-7 Rip Rap 150 tons R-8 Rip Rap 100 tons Railroad Ballast #3 500 tons Anti-skid Clinton County (PA) Try GovWin IQ for Free
PENNSYLVANIA » CLINTON, COUNTY OF BID 1000 Tons 1B Stones Washed Clinton County (PA) Try GovWin IQ for Free
PENNSYLVANIA » CLINTON, COUNTY OF BID stone product and hot amosite Clinton County (PA) Try GovWin IQ for Free
PENNSYLVANIA » CLINTON, COUNTY OF BID 1000 tons of 25 mm2. 1000 tons of 19 mm3. 1000 tons of 9.5 mmwearing4. 1000 tons of 19 mmwearing5. 2000 tons1B stone,washed6. 2000 tons 1B stone7. 1000 tons #2 stone8. 1000 tons #2B stone9. 1000 tons 2 RC10. 1000 tons 2A stone11. 1000 ton DSA12. 1000 ton Clinton County (PA) Try GovWin IQ for Free
PENNSYLVANIA » CLINTON, COUNTY OF BID Installation of 11 total culverts 18\"inch Dia HPDEItem 12. 22 Stone EndwallsItem 13. 70 C.Y. Rock ExcavationItem 14. 50 lbs Seed, PennDot Formula BItem 15. .5 ton Hay mulchItem 16. 250 L.F. 8 inch Diameter Compost Filter Sock and stakesItem 17 733 S.Y. Double Net Straw Mat with staplesItem 18 2 Each Rip Rap Outlet Protection Clinton County (PA) Try GovWin IQ for Free

Learn More About GovWin IQ for Farrandsville (PA) Service Providers

GovWin IQ from Deltek is the industry-leading platform providing the most comprehensive market intelligence for U.S. federal, state, local and Canadian governments. GovWin IQ is uniquely built, backed and continuously updated by award-winning industry experts who receive first-hand intelligence from government decision-makers. With this intelligence, GovWin IQ enables companies to identify early stage opportunities, plan strategically, build relationships and navigate the competitive landscape. See why thousands of companies rely on GovWin IQ to get ahead of the competition and win more business in the public sector.

To learn more about GovWin IQ's solutions for masonry products vendors, click here.